How To Keep My Boyfriend From Herpes How Can I Keep My Boyfriend From Getting Herpes From Me?

How can I keep my boyfriend from getting herpes from me? - how to keep my boyfriend from herpes

In fact, I have some questions. I have type 1 genital herpes. When will I be able to have sex without a condom and not run the risk of infection? If it is only transmitted through skin contact? And use of condoms is an absolutely safe way not to spend?


Tiare said...

Genital herpes is spread by skin contact, so condoms do not provide complete protection. The virus can still happen with a condom. The good news is that genital HSV-1 has a very low rate of outbreaks compared with HSV-2. You may also be a candidate for therapy with hsv suppressive drugs daily. Couples where one partner positive and one negative, the person can be placed oppression, to prevent another person from contracting the disease. Talk to your doctor about this option.

DeskJock... said...

No sex before, during and just weeks after the breakout. Condoms. Valtrex. Who will be around 0.5% what happens .... Or as they say.

Most people, because 3 / 4 people who have none. Only when we know measures to prevent its spread is increasing.

Your lucky you have type-1 and not so easily spread. Most people type-1 oral allready ... and if this is the case, are virtually immune to infection with the other, no matter where you are. Talk to your doctor.

Rainbow Brite said...

The question is, how to catch, if you know?

Jess said...

The use of condoms is not the point closest to a sure way that, apart from the non-sexual encounters. Unfortunately, they can never have safe sex without risking their health and safety. You can always add to your partner and / or child, if appropriate. Note: If the condom breaks spread it like you would not use a computer.

sugar507 said...

Well, I still wouldnt be positive for herpes, and the many others that other people have sex without a condom with you.

im_the_o... said...

You can go to the doctor and heal?
if the cure then all u want to have sex with her can

Alli said...

Genital herpes can be transmitted if you have a house or not. You can always give it to her boyfriend and, although condoms, the best protection against sexually transmitted diseases, are not 100% effective.

I have genital herpes for over 5 years. I had a man who went, I had no signs or symptoms of the virus as an epidemic. I also happened to my friend about 11 months. I did not have an outbreak in almost 2 years and he still went to him!

It is safest to use to always insist on a condom. Not 100%, but it is too close to him) (other than abstinence, of course. Good luck to you!

wilsonhu... said...

The only sure way not to sell is not sex. Condoms are a preventative measure and not 100% effective.

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